Our clinicians serve children, adolescent, and adult individuals in identifying their mental health goals and utilizing interventions through a person-centered lense to accomplish those goals. We offer support for those who are concerned with Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, relational issues, conduct issues, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and traumatic experiences.
Couples & Families
Couples & Families
Our clinicians serve couples and families who are in need of support with communication issues, pre-marital counseling, navigating divorce, co-parenting, sexual issues, and re-connecting.
Intake Forms
Intake Forms
To help make your first visit with us a little easier, please click on the intake forms below to download to fill out and print to bring it with you to your first appointment.
Client Intake Form
Client Intake Form
Collective Counseling Intake.pdf
Client agreement & therapeutic policies
Client agreement & therapeutic policies
Client Agreement and Therapeutic Policies 2023 .docx
Adolescent Consent & Parent Agreement
Adolescent Consent & Parent Agreement
Adolescent Informed Consent.pdf